Tag Archives: plastic

I Like The Lite Brite Baby…

18 Aug

I Like The Light….

Originally uploaded by CleverIndie

A sneak peek….
One of my favorite game pieces, all grownup….

These will be coming to my Etsy & Smashing Darling shops as soon as I am back on my feet (I have a fever, I’m in bed, hence the larger than usual gaps in communication via my blog)….

(there are a few more colors- you’ll see!)

See you soon!

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Two Tip Tuesday!

3 Feb

There’s no wrong way

Originally uploaded by CleverIndie

I’m going to start collecting tips and sharing them…Two on Tuesday, ok? Cool. Make sure you get the two tips next Tuesday by subscribing via email!

Clickity click here!

I love reusing spools from my chain purchases to hold small things… They are usually wide enough that they are more tip resistant than other containers, which is an important feature for me, what with being less than grace personified and all…

I do quite a bit of work either on a high countertop/bartop where I can stand or sit (mostly stand), or sitting on a softer surface with plenty of back support… Things tend to get flung and knocked over (again, another reason why I hesitate to work with glass and gemstones and if I do I always double the recipe) in either location, this contraption prevents that a bit…

Basically, I packing tape one hole, with a little bit of paper so it’s non stick on the inside of the well… I have, in the past, used double stick tape to tape this to my tray table/lap desk/workbench, but in each location I wound up getting too cocky, started talking with my hands (I’m a passionate hand talker…), and kablammmm! small bits (headpins, ear wires, you name it) everywhere….

And, when working from one of my satellite locations, I like to wind my tape measure around the outer portion… So it’s handy…

Another tip? When Target has silicone baking mats in the dollar section near the entrance I grab a few- they are easily cleaned during messy kid crafts (yet they give kids a colorful background and contrast- very helpful for some kiddos) and they are great when working with things that tend to roll away, a little non-slip grip and cushioning…

OK, that’s all I’ve got for now…

Hugs all around,

Hugs and Kisses

1 Feb


Originally uploaded by CleverIndie

Update: Kiddo seems to be doing a little better…. He seems out of his shell, but operating at a more immature level than we are used to (selective hearing… pretending it’s opposite day ’round the clock…Not answering questions…somewhat hyperactive compared to baseline)… I guess time will tell… Starting a new schedule for him tomorrow that will hopefully help him. Feeling the pressure to bring in info for school but at the same time don’t want to overwhelm his teachers… That and all of a sudden he’s rejecting the idea of bringing his weighted vest(he calls it his huggyvest) to school, so I need to dig deeper on that one and I need to write out a comprehensive (but not overwhelming) sheet on it so it isn’t used inappropriately… Ideally I would like the teachers to suggest that he use it and leave it up to him… It’s not weird looking with his clothes- it actually matches his uniform and doesn’t look weirdly therapeutic… When he got it last summer he didn’t want to wear it to school because he didn’t want the other kids to feel bad that they don’t have one… Hopefully this is still the case… I’ll update the blog this week with a breakdown of his “toolkit”…

Anyway, Happy Superbowl Sunday!

I’m making my famous chili…Some ingredients are so secret that I forget them, so it’s a long process…. I don’t use a recipe. I wing it, build the flavors, tweak the ingredients… It’s an epic meditative cooking experience.. But I recruited kiddo and hubby to remember to stir it every few minutes so I can still rest… Feeling pretty crummy as I’m sweeter than I should be… Nothing is working the same way twice with my diabetes these days, so I’m learning on my feet…Dreading my visit to the endocrinologist this week as I am still mad about the dexcom (he prescribed it even though it’s contraindicated in regards to my other prescriptions, and I want those other prescriptions back!) and last time he told me “Diabetes isn’t hard to control”….Ahhh spoken like a non-d person…. We shall see..

Back to the pretty picture….

The image shows shrinky dink hearts that has/is an occupationally therapeutic project. We are making Valentine cards for school (he loves hearts…hearts and starts are his favorites, but he sees a heart and says “a heart means love” and smile this sweet little smile…)…

So, he used his muscles and hand eye coordination to punch the shrinky dink hearts out using the giant hole puncher. When his arms and hands got tired he worked on his balance and stepped on the hole punch… Thankfully, those silicone baking mats are awesome for projects such as these- a little cushioning and a little non-slip grip…

Then he wrote xo on them which involved planning ahead for spacing…

Then we baked ’em up and he sat in front of the oven giggling like a madman as the hearts curled up and popped like jumping beans before shrinking completely and flattening out….

Next step? I think we have had a request for glitter… I’ll post an update when they are fully sparkly…

Until then….



You Rascal You…

2 Jul


Originally uploaded by CleverGirlBek

Rascal, the ring…
Very, very old Bakelite (older than vintage, younger than antique, by definition)…
Had some scotties and some ring blanks and went to town….

Available in my little shop on the internet superhighway… or zip me a message for more information…

Always Be Clever…



ps. I have that song stuck in my head (You Rascal You)…Boyo is forever on a Louis kick (lots of Armstrong and Prima)…Glad he is more into the tune than the lyrics…Yikes! I have to give this another listen! Not the nicest song in the world…But oh so catchy…Perhaps I’ll swap it out on his song mixes with The Music Goes Round and Round!

Bubble Club & Prince Aha

23 Apr

Bubble Club & Prince Aha

Originally uploaded by CleverGirlBek

OK. So this photo doesn’t really *have* to be in black and white… The stools are in “Pigeon” (dark gray) and the Bubble Club chair is in Light Gray… I decided to make our Lanai more like an outdoor living room because with just a little dining table and chairs nobody was using it and I’ve finally admitted to myself (and my family) that the kitchen table will always be my work table (it’s indestructible and a little industrial but still curvy and a little antique-y looking. Um. Kind of like me these days?)…

Anyway, I still have a love of color, but my lust for color and patterns changes frequently, so the furniture on the lanai is like a blank canvas. Splashes of color will be added shortly for optimal punch and versatility.

Please excuse me, I do have to go back to sitting on my lanai (what we call a screened-in-porch here in Florida) and sipping my tea while enjoying a rambunctious game of hi-ho-cherrio with boyo and baldguy….

I’ll keep updating…

Oh and for out-of-this-world service please visit Circa50 (they carry the Bubble Club series and the Prince Aha stools…there service and expertise is unparalleled)