Helpful Spots

(AKA Helpful Spots and Spaces Found In My Virtual Travels)

I thought this would be a good place to share some of the resources that I happen upon during my travels around the internet… Some of these have been found through Google, some by following a link from another link, and some are links that were shared on Facebook or Twitter, or email newsgroup that I feel the need to share, with you.

Asperger’s Syndrome:

  • Asperger’s Association of New England/ AANE.  Regardless of where you are located, AANE offers a wealth of helpful information on living with and raising a child with Asperger’s.  They also hold fantastic conferences and events throughout the year.

Autism:  For Friends & Family:

G6PD Deficiency:

  • (site available in English & Italian)

Special Needs Parenting Community & Support:

It's your turn to share! What's on your mind?