Archive | August, 2009

I think he likes me!

22 Aug

He thinks…

Originally uploaded by CleverIndie

I think I need to make a little shrine-like thing of all the amazing things Alex makes for me.

This will be in a frame, next to my “1000 sails” card, the pop-up book, and in front of them will be the “mama rocks“…. This one is extra special because he wrote it without any prompting or suggestions or help from anyone. This was totally under his own steam, from his heart (and from his trains!)

We gave him his zuchertute/schuletute on Thursday- his last day of Pre-Kindergarten. We didn’t want him to be distracted by the treats on his first day of actual Kindergarten. (I’ll post pictures of the cone/tute soon! Promise!)….

He wrote this note on his personalized notepad from with his new fountain pen (I realize he is not even 6, but I have always found fountain pens to be easier to write with and he has been fascinated with mine, and it requires a little more responsibility than traditional disposable pens but I thought he was ready) and mechanical pencil….

How cool is this?

I’m thinking of heading to Cafe Press to have them put it on a Sigg water bottle so I can be inspired and feel loved and healthier all day long.

I have a serious case of the warm fuzzies. Going to hug my boy again.



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I Like The Lite Brite Baby…

18 Aug

I Like The Light….

Originally uploaded by CleverIndie

A sneak peek….
One of my favorite game pieces, all grownup….

These will be coming to my Etsy & Smashing Darling shops as soon as I am back on my feet (I have a fever, I’m in bed, hence the larger than usual gaps in communication via my blog)….

(there are a few more colors- you’ll see!)

See you soon!

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1000 Sails? 1000 SALES!

10 Aug

Originally uploaded by CleverIndie

How lucky am I?  I have the greatest kid in the world. Shhhh. Let me bask in this. Ok.

This is the front of the card Alex made me to celebrate my 1000th item sold in my shop.

Yes, that is a boat with many SAILS.  (which, by the way, has what looks like four portholes but I have been informed that they are bellybuttons because he knew I would think that is hilarious. Hilarious indeed.

I have the sweetest kid in the universe.

You should see the assemblage/vase he made with his daddy for me! I’ll post pictures later this week!

I just packed up 15 orders and I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep! I’m ecstatic over my 1000th sale!

More on that major milestone when I break down the stats (I have to do it, I’m a recovering geek).



Milestones & Celebrations!

5 Aug
Love it!

Buy Handmade


My heart is bursting with glee!

I am about to reach a gigantic milestone in my Etsy shop! 1000 items sold.   Yup. Gulp.

I’m stunned speechless.  I know! That’s a miracle in and of itself!

It seems so surreal on this side of the keyboard!

Thanks for all of your support! I could not do it without all of you!

Hugs and high fives all around!



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Rolling Rolling Rolling….

5 Aug

You Got To Roll Me….

Originally uploaded by CleverIndie

Keep the dice a rolling

keep the game a moving

don’t ever lose that die!

Rain and wind and weather

hell bent for jenga*

wishing my bro would lose and cry…
*uses a six sided, six color die according to Yes. I checked. Would you expect less of me?
We are just getting to the point where playing board games is not eerily reminiscent of my childhood (as an only child, living in the middle of the woods, no cable, and I was the weird kid. I learned to play every game by myself. Even hide and go seek. It’s true. More on that someday. I’m just starting to own that part of me.)…

Alex will sit and play and follow directions (with a great deal of repetition on our part) for a little bit- though his attention is still somewhat short…

All of the games we have happened upon lately seem to have die or dice involved. We have been rockin’ the Monopoly Jr., Clue Jr., and Mouse Trap.

Part of the motor skill challenge has been rolling the die or dice (and actually having it change to a random side). Part of the “I have an almost 6 year old” challenge has been getting him to not pretend to roll it so that he miraculously gets 6 every time, because at almost 6 bigger always seems better even if it gets you sent back to the start of the game board.

We also tend to play around our lovely Noguchi glass coffee table as we can all sit comfortably (and my work is usually overpowering our little kitchen table…Still want my Edison farmhouse table. Someday it will be mind. Someday.) Not only is there glass, there are a few choice knick-knacks near by that are probably not-so-durable and there are two big club chairs and a love seat. My arthritis refuses to get down on the floor to retrieve overzealously thrown dice (actually it’s more of a problem evolving back into an upright position these days).

And I fear glass chips and broken knick-knacks. And face it, my kiddo is wonderful with many things, but his motor skills are a major work in progress.

So here is my solution.

I took a tin with a clear lid (the lid covering is plastic- I do not suggest trying this with a glass-topped tin) that is of the “deep” variety (I got them from – the one shown in my image is a 4oz/deep). I popped the die in, closed the lid (the lid isn’t terribly loose but it is not secured outside of friction- so if you feel you need a sturdier hold try some masking or electrical tape around the edges.

And voila! Alex can shake-shake-shake and I no longer have to go fishing for game pieces, the coffee table is intact, and my curios are happy campers and have removed their helmets and safety goggles.

This also helps teach him the rules of “rolling” – he has to give it a few shakes and put it down. This has made a huge difference in his comprehension of rules- those of the game and those little social game play rules. Eventually he’ll roll by himself, but for now this lets us play and show him the joy of playing boardgames as a family. He can focus on playing and not obsessing over this one small part.

The containers are too big to squeeze into most manufacturers game boxes and I like to keep all parts in their respective boxes, so we have one “rolling” container. If he was younger and more apt to try to consume the parts during game play, we would probably secure the lid more permanently.


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