Tag Archives: child

AccidentalThong.com celebrates 1000 Ausome Things #AutismPositivity2013

30 Apr

Here are a few of my favorite images which remind me of three of my favorite things about autism:
-When we are given the space to be ourselves, we soar.
-There are always new angles and new ways to approach everything (when in doubt, SPIN!)
-We understand each other even when we can’t find our words.

AccidentalThong.com celebrates 1000 Ausome Things #AutismPositivity2013
These are two of my favorite things! Happy Autism Acceptance Day!
Two Happy Aspies

Hey Jude? I Hate You.

6 Dec

Uncovered a few clips of kiddo when he was younger… I found this gem.

Hey Jude is an angry song, if you are little and misheard the lyrics.

Ten Tips… An Autistic’s Advice

5 Dec
Tomato Tomato.  It's only different if you say it aloud.

Tomato Tomato. Lets Call The Whole Thing Off....Doesn't work so well when typed.

A fantastic list of 10 tips for teachers, that really should read:  Ten Tips for Everyone.    Every person that interacts with the world, in any way, shape, or form will come in contact with a person with autism at some point and probably more frequently than just once or twice.  For that matter, every person does come in contact with people with various disabilities, some of them “invisible disabilities”… So yes, everyone should read this and mentally slather it onto their brains as “Ten Tips to Mindfully Communicate With Your Fellow Humans, Especially the Ones Who Seem To Be A Little (or a lot) Off Center In What You Consider To Be ‘Normal'”. 

My apologies for using that “N” word.  Most of you know that I find that N word to be outdated, on an even keel day, and mythical on the other 364.

Clickety click the link below, and check out the tips.

Please comment below if there is anything you would add and if you have examples of people doing the opposite… Me thinks it helps to bridge the gap between us and them when we can share examples.  Too many of the folks not living with disability or a difference that impacts every single morsel of their lives, think that discrimination and just plain douchey behavior doesn’t happen anymore because “people know better” and “there are laws” and when we do share our stories with others we are often told that we just misunderstood or worse, that clearly we have a chip on our shoulder.  Gee. Thanks made-for-cable-TV movies and sitcoms. Stereotyping us as bitter-because-of-our-physical challenges or extra-sweet and gullible because of mental and emotional ones, either keeps folks away or lets them feel no guilt whatsoever when they slip on in and take advantage of us.

Those of us who live with “it” everyday know that the treatment of people with differences and disabilities is like Betty Crocker’s iconic female face.  The clothes have changed.  Makeup and hair have been updated.  But it’s still a box of cake mix.  Capisce?

Here, as promised way back in the beginnings of this post, is the link:

An Autistic’s Advice: Ten Tips for Teachers.



For me?

16 Jun

School’s out FOREVER. It’s true. Kiddo’s school closed for good- no camp this year, no brand new school year in August. The economy and the resulting drops in enrollment have left us scrambling for options for his second grade year, and without an appropriate summer program. Eeeeek! Trying to figure it all out, trying to heal and get strong (I now have Enbrel on board), trying to get our shidoobie together as it feels like we’ve been in survival mode for far too long and that stress has taken quite a toll on all three of us.

I’m sad about the school closing, but also aware that this is an opportunity to change things up and maybe put a more holistic program into place for kiddo and for me.

Necessity is the mother of invention and the mountains that appear unconquerable at first, in time become the source of great opportunity and unparalleled learning.

Puttin’ mah boots on and waiting on a new pair of wellies for kiddo. We’ll climb the mountain, and stomp in a few puddles before this summer cools off.


Alex’s Journey to Camp Cheerful UPDATE July 9

11 Jun
Alex’s Journey to Camp Cheerful UPDATE…
I want to thank all of the wonderfully generous friends who supported us in our fundraising to send Alex to this special camp.  Unfortunately, life had other plans for the time being.  Due to fairly dramatic health issues (more on that later), I am unable to accompany Alex to Ohio, so we are postponing his experience at Camp Cheerful until next year. I did return all funds raised, to their respective contributors, due to the change in plans.  Alex is disappointed, but he is very vocal about wanting me to get better.  We are working at getting new therapists on board for him, locally and hopefully camp will be in reach next summer and I will be 110% again!  Thanks again to everyone who continually roots for Alex.  Alex is well aware of the love everyone has shown us along our long journey.

Alex is my amazingly brilliant, funny, sweet kid who has Asperger Syndrome. Asperger’s is a neurological disorder, it is a developmental disability.

Alex is almost 7 years old. There is a summer camp (Camp Cheerful) in Ohio specially
designed for kids with Asperger’s. It includes things like Occupational
Therapy, which would be a huge help to Alex. The camp would help give
Alex the tools he needs to face his daily challenges, which are more
than most adults could tackle every day.

Here’s a wonderful description of Asperger’s Syndrome that recently aired on the PBS show “Arthur” (the meat of it is only until around 2:45… so if you aren’t into Arthur please don’t feel you need to watch all 7+ minutes!)

For a more straight facts, less dramatized (less animated) description please visit AANE’s AS facts. For our personal experiences please read the Asperger’s entries on my blog

Love and peace,
Bek, Jeff, and Alex

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