Archive | September, 2009

A Chip Off the Old SIGG bottle.

8 Sep

Sigg & BPA

Originally uploaded by CleverIndie

SIGG was a company many of us trusted. We were led to believe that we were making healthier choices for our families by choosing SIGG’s water bottles. Many of us recommended their products to friends and family, hoping to spread the healthy message of avoiding BPA.

I don’t feel like we drank the kool-aid. I feel like someone slipped something in our drink, in this case it’s in our water.

They claim the amounts of BPA are not able to leach into the water.

Here is Alex’s bottle. See the chips and the damage to the threads? That’s through regular wear and washing-since June 2008. The bottle is always used with a plastic SIGG “sport” top. Our other bottles don’t look like this, thankfully. Even if the BPA in these bottles really doesn’t leach in water, what about the folks that use their bottles for more acidic beverages? How does their supposed non-leaching liner behave then?

And what about when that lining chips off while the thoughtful Mama, trying to do the best for her kid, screws on the top and that little bit of lining enters his mouth, and travels into his stomach?

Does the BPA leach in the digestive system?

What does that BPA do to growth and development in that kid?

I’m curious.
I’m frustrated. I’m disappointed. I’m angry.

I’m exhausted.

Not over the bottles. Or, not completely over the bottles. I guess we have to assume that if damage was done, it has already been done.  But don’t take that as me being passive because if anyone contributes to the challenges Alex faces in this world I cannot let it just float into the wind as just a hard lesson learned in the trenches.

So what to do? Right now I’m sitting here looking at 5 bottles and wondering what to do.

Will people ever trust SIGG and their new eco-liner? The company is offering a voluntary bottle exchange- send in your old bottles and they will email you a code to cover the cost of a replacement with the new liner, from their webstore, but that is little consolation to those of us who put our health, the health of our families, our cash, and our reputations on the line.

But do we trust the new liner? Will we ever trust Sigg again?

And when will the FDA catch up with Canada regarding banning BPA?

And what will this stuff do to my kid, who probably has ingested a chunk of it. Or what has it done already?